
My blogging course gave me some guidelines for building a disclosure page. So here it is:

1. This website and blog, Pretty Pieces by The Part Tart is owned, written, and occasionally messed up by Dawn Paczynski.

2. I’m supposed to state revenue sources here. Well, I would love to get free product, cash advertising, sponsorships, and paid insertions, but for the most part it’s just affiliate relationships so far. Oh, and anything you awesome people actually buy from either the Pretty_Pieces online stores or Shirt Shop.

3. Compensation received does not influence the advertising content, topics or posts made on the blog with the following exception: If I really like a product or service, I will likely check to see if there is an financial connection to be made before I make a post about it. And if it pays a commission, I will likely write about it before something that doesn’t.

4. “Declare that content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.” Yes. It is. Or will be if I get a sponsored post.

5. “State that your opinion won’t change regardless of money changing hands, if it won’t.” Nope. I’m pretty opinionated, and you can rest assured that I will tell you exactly what I think.

6. “Confirm that the opinions being expressed are your own (if they are).” Except in the case of a guest writer, in which case they will be clearly identified.

7. “Declare that all claims and opinions should be independently verified.” Geeze people. Always do your own research. It’s the INTERNET for crying out loud. Kidding aside, I’ll always do my best to vet any information for accuracy.

8. “State if your blog contains any conflict of interests and if it will or will not be identified.” Well, I’m not really sure what that means. Hopefully I’ll learn more as I go along.

9. This policy was last update on April 5, 2019, and any future changes will be posted here.

10. For questions about my disclosure policy, or anything else on this site, you may contact me at Dawn@theparttart.com.

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